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Username: Tealeaves

Post Number: 308
Registered: 5-2004
Posted on Tuesday, April 18, 2006 - 9:20 am:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

My husband just received the following from some of his well-meaning SDA relatives.
I hesitate to post it here because of it's lengthiness, and it may not even fit, but I'll try it.
I thought some of you might want find this interesting.

"This is a bit to read; but it needs to be ... Jesus is coming soon!

Sent: Thursday, March 30, 2006 10:01 AM

Subject: Imminent Sunday Law Agitation

Imminent Sunday Law Agitation

By Pastor Hal Mayer

Dear Friends, I am amazed at the speed of progress toward a Sunday law
the United States. I believe that we may now be beginning to see the
agitation for a Sunday law that has long been expected. While we have
little issues here and there that involve Sunday observance, blue laws
other "rest day" issues. But the new, amazing movement to elevate
Sunday as
a day of rest is couched in terms with which even God's people can
agree, if
they were not promoting Sunday observance. This month, I had planned to
discuss the appointment of two Roman Catholics to the Supreme Court of
United States, but something vitally important has arisen that I have
decided to address. It is the issue of Sunday agitation. There are some
important events that are about to happen in the very near future. I
you to know about them before they happen so you can watch them
I'm sure we will have the opportunity to look at them after they happen
also, but it is vital that you know about them before hand. We will
to our series called Joseph's Troublesome Coat in the future. But
before we
begin today, let us bow our heads in prayer and ask for God's guidance
as we
share these things.

Our Father in Heaven, thank you for your love, especially for your
Thank you for giving us prophecy so that we can see what is happening
the scenes. We pray that you will give us wisdom as we examine the
that is likely to begin the process of Sunday agitation in the United
and around the world. As we see events like this unfolding, we pray
that you
will help us prepare for the coming of Jesus by getting our lives right
Him, becoming wise unto salvation, wise unto purity of heart, and wise
the plans of the Devil. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Turn with me in your bibles to the book of Daniel 12:10. Here is a
that speaks directly to the issues that we face concerning the secret
law movement. The movements now in progress are not understood by the
ones that are doing them. But those who are overcoming their sins will
understand the prophecies of scripture, and will be able to see behind
scenes. Listen. "Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but
wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but
wise shall understand." Please note that it is the wise who are being
purified and tried. It is they who will understand the things that most
the world cannot.

Why does God reveal in the scriptures what is coming upon us? It is so
His true people can take the steps to get prepared. But many of God's
are not preparing. They don't believe the prophet any more. They are
carrying on as if there will always be another day to repent and turn
their rebellion. Most of God's people will only realize what they have
forfeited when it is too late. They are still going trying to make
money so they can buy more things. They are adding to their
their houses and lands, their cars and possessions. They are adding to
retirement and they are eating and drinking with pleasure. They are
oblivious to the onward march of fulfilling prophecy and now as the
begins to agitate Sunday, they slumber in carnal security, unpurified,
unprepared, and unready.

The Basis of Sunday Movements

There is a very important statement in the Spirit of Prophecy which I
like to read as we begin. It is found in the book Great Controversy,
573. Here it is. "In the movements now in progress in the United States
secure for the institutions and usages of the church the support of the
state, Protestants are following in the steps of papists. Nay, more,
are opening the door for the papacy to regain in Protestant America the
supremacy which she has lost in the Old World. And that which gives
significance to this movement is the fact that the principal object
contemplated is the enforcement of Sunday observance--a custom which
originated with Rome, and which she claims as the sign of her
authority. It
is the spirit of the papacy--the spirit of conformity to worldly
the veneration for human traditions above the commandments of God--that
permeating the Protestant churches and leading them on to do the same
of Sunday exaltation which the papacy has done before them."

Notice that there is a Sunday observance movement now is progress. And
it is
a secret movement. It is a movement that is going to one day come out
in the
open, but for now it is behind the scenes. The leaders of this movement
don't understand the magnitude of what they are doing, because they
understand prophecy. They think that what they are caught up in is
a good thing. After all, how can supporting morality be a bad thing?
Many of
God's people also don't understand the movement. They don't see much
largely because they aren't studying prophecy or don't want to believe
these things are happening now. Could it be that they don't want to
quite yet, and get ready by putting away their sins and worldly

Listen to this statement from the Testimonies for the Church, Vol. 5,
452, written in 1885. "It is no time now to allow our minds to be
with things of minor importance. While men are sleeping, Satan is
arranging matters so that the Lord's people may not have mercy or
The Sunday movement is now making its way in darkness. The leaders are
concealing the true issue, and many who unite in the movement do not
themselves see whither the undercurrent is tending. Its professions are
and apparently Christian, but when it shall speak it will reveal the
of the dragon. It is our duty to do all in our power to avert the
danger." Did you hear that? There are many who unite with the movement
don't know where it is going because the real intentions are hidden.
don't understand prophecy.

I'll read on, "Religious powers, allied to heaven by profession, and
claiming to have the characteristics of a lamb, will show by their acts
they have the heart of a dragon and that they are instigated and
by Satan. The time is coming when God's people will feel the hand of
persecution because they keep holy the seventh day. Satan has caused
change of the Sabbath in the hope of carrying out his purpose for the
of God's plans. He seeks to make the commands of God of less force in
world than human laws. The man of sin, who thought to change times and
and who has always oppressed the people of God, will cause laws to be
enforcing the observance of the first day of the week. But God's people
to stand firm for Him. And the Lord will work in their behalf, showing
plainly that He is the God of gods."

Notice that it is Satan who has caused the change of times and laws. He
works through the man of sin, the Pope and the Papacy, who has
his own Sabbath in the place of God. Protestants who keep Sunday are
vulnerable. They agree with Rome's authority. So long as they keep
instead of the Bible Sabbath, they show their loyalty to Rome. And they
no power to resist Rome's suggestions. That is why they are so
vulnerable to
the ecumenical movement. They are conditioned to think that Sunday is
true rest day, and it is a strong point of agreement on which they can
unite. But they don't realize that Sunday observance comes from Rome,
has changed God's law in the minds of billions of people in this world.
movement to exalt Sunday observance is a pillar of Rome's doctrines. As
Protestant America adopts her principles, and through the ecumenical
movement adopts her spirit, she too will become a persecuting power.

The New Sunday Movement

Now I want to draw your attention to a movement that is developing and
will be launched on the 7th of May 2006. It is a movement that involves
of the most famous and popular religious leaders in the world. It has
power of the religious media to support it. And it is calling upon all
Christian pastors and all churches world wide to support this movement.
is the Ten Commandments Day movement. Its purpose is to draw attention
the Ten Commandments.

This movement came about because of concerns that America is declining
morality. But it is not limited to America. The leaders of the movement
decry the moral decline world-wide and want this movement to be a
movement. This movement will no doubt lend itself to the promotion of
observance and the fulfillment of the prophecies we have just read. Do
overlook the importance of this movement. If you do, it will be to your
eternal destruction.

Those who believe that the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy are not
concerning these things, do not know what they are talking about. Those
think that the Spirit of Prophecy is a Victorian relic that should be
abandoned, and that the predictions of God's end-time prophet will
come to pass, are deceiving you into eternal loss. Those who believe
the Adventist interpretation of Revelation is irrelevant to today's
circumstances and is again something left over from previous
are deceived and should turn again and pay heed to the counsels that
God has
been so gracious to give to His people.

The movement I'm referring to is a recently formed association
organized by
the Ten Commandments Commission. The Ten Commandments Day Association
is an
organized effort to strengthen understanding of the importance of the
Commandments in the life and history of the nation, by joining together
the churches possible, to place an emphasis on the Ten Commandments in
prelude to agitation of Sunday observance. Though there are no
references to
Sunday observance, yet those who know prophecy know that it will morph
become an emphasis on the fourth commandment, the Sabbath; that is the
Christian Sabbath, as transferred to Sunday supposedly by Christ and/or

Here is a prediction from the book Great Controversy, page 587-588 that
tells us that this movement to oppose moral decline and strengthen
is going to be attributed to the desecration of the Christian Sabbath
will lead to the oppression of the people of God. Listen.

"Yet this very class put forth the claim that the fast-spreading
is largely attributable to the desecration of the so-called "Christian
sabbath," and that the enforcement of Sunday observance would greatly
improve the morals of society. This claim is especially urged in
where the doctrine of the true Sabbath has been most widely preached.
the temperance work, one of the most prominent and important of moral
reforms, is often combined with the Sunday movement, and the advocates
the latter represent themselves as laboring to promote the highest
of society; and those who refuse to unite with them are denounced as
enemies of temperance and reform. But the fact that a movement to
error is connected with a work which is in itself good, is not an
in favor of the error. We may disguise poison by mingling it with
food, but we do not change its nature. On the contrary, it is rendered
dangerous, as it is more likely to be taken unawares. It is one of
devices to combine with falsehood just enough truth to give it
The leaders of the Sunday movement may advocate reforms which the
need, principles which are in harmony with the Bible; yet while there
with these a requirement which is contrary to God's law, His servants
unite with them. Nothing can justify them in setting aside the
of God for the precepts of men."

Now keep in mind that this is being supported by many of the churches
used to tell us that the Ten Commandments were done away with at the
This disconnect from the moral law of God inevitably led to a decline
moral principles, which then led to a breakdown of society. This in
turn is
leading to a re-emphasis on the Ten Commandments as still binding (at
in some ways) even though they were given to Moses, whose law was
done away with at the cross. It is a cause and effect circle in which
thing leads to another. The reason why many churches adopted the idea
the law was done away with at the cross, was because of Seventh-day
Adventists who upheld the Bible Sabbath of the Ten Commandments, the
7th day
of the week.

The leaders of this surfacing movement plan to have an annual, global
Commandments Day, the first of which is to be held on May 7, 2006, and
1st Sunday in May thereafter. It has a commission of Sunday church
that are concerned about recent decisions of the Supreme Court of the
States that struck down the public display of the Ten Commandments in
buildings, particularly courtrooms and courthouses. This movement
any and all Sunday churches that will support its goals.

Objectives of the Ten Commandments Commission

Let me read to you from the Ten Commandments Day website about their
purpose. "The objectives of the Ten Commandments Commission are as
1) To restore the supremacy of the tenants, precepts, and principles
contained in the Ten Commandments. 2) To provide a global symbol that
expresses our submission and commitment to the values found in the Ten
Commandments. 3) To create a mechanism by which the Word of God can be
restored in every aspect of society peacefully and without violation of
legal system. 4) To give opportunity for identification with millions
adhere to the supreme universal law of God."

Let's just take a minute and think about these objectives. Notice that
of them is to restore the supremacy of the tenants, precepts and
contained in the Ten Commandments. This is not referring to the exact
details of the Ten Commandments, but the more vague and general
precepts and principles." In other words, when a worship day law is
promoted, it won't matter that it isn't God's holy Sabbath day, but
that it is one day in seven. Since these are almost all Sunday keepers
are organizing this, do you think they will be emphasizing the Bible
that God gave at creation? No, they will be emphasizing Sunday as
changed by Christ and his apostles, but in actuality changed by the
Church. Yes, the tenants, precepts and principles will be restored, but
the way God gave them. Only in the way tradition now sustains them. But
does supremacy mean. That means that these organizers want the Ten
Commandments to become the supreme law of the land. But wouldn't that
good? Yes, if our nation was a theocracy. But since our nations are not
theocracies, whose interpretation of the Ten Commandments is going to
supreme? It is going to be the popular interpretation, is it not?

Notice that the objective is to create a mechanism by which the Word of
can be restored in every aspect of society. Does that include you too?
course it does. And it is to be done without violating the legal
system. Of
course not. In this day and age, when governments can redefine the
of the law, how easy do you think it will be to redefine or change the
so that it won't be violated by imposing a Sunday law? Already it is
said that the Constitution doesn't have a wall of separation between
and state. The late Supreme Court chief justice William Rehnquist said

Let me read more from the website. "Because of the urgency of this
the Ten Commandments Commission is calling on all supporters of
values to unite and let their voices be heard." Do you support
values? Of course you do. But if you know where this is going to lead,
you are not willing to support this movement because of the tyranny to
it will take the nation, then you will be painted by some as not really
upholding traditional values. I'll read on. "We are calling on all
synagogues, ministry leaders, Christians, and all who care about
values to celebrate Ten Commandments Sunday by hosting local community
events in support of the Ten Commandments."

So there is going to be a nationwide, and perhaps global set of
events that will draw attention to the Ten Commandments. Isn't that
interesting? Perhaps there will be parades, special luncheons with
and political leaders, and other high profile events to bring the Ten
Commandments before the minds of Christians and non-Christians alike,
all in
the name of rebuking sin and bringing America back to traditional
back to God.

And notice that the special day dedicated to the Ten Commandments is on
Sunday, the first Sunday in May every year. Don't think that is an
It is planned that way because most people automatically think that
is the day of rest of the fourth commandment. They have been deceived
think that the Sabbath was changed, and that it was a Jewish law given
Moses, instead of a law and a principle that comes from creation week,
before there was a Jew.

A Secret Movement

The movement to exalt Sunday is a secret movement. It is not open on
surface yet. It will not come to the surface until the time is right.
until there is enough damage done by disasters, wars, or calamities,
the nation and perhaps the world will be reigned up about getting back
God. But this movement is laying the groundwork.

Listen to this statement from the Review and Herald, March 14, 1893.
whole confederacy of evil, led by Satan, is seeking diligently to
the ranks of those who transgress the law of God; and the law of the
sustains them in their apostasy. Underneath every movement for the
exaltation of the mystery of iniquity, there is a secret undercurrent
effort for the suppression of God's truth in his holy requirement. Men
seeking again to enslave the souls of men by the decree of the law of

Again God's prophet speaks "I have been much burdened in regard to
that are now in progress for the enforcement of Sunday observance. It
been shown to me that Satan has been working earnestly to carry out his
designs to restrict religious liberty. Plans of serious import to the
of God are advancing in an underhand manner among the clergymen of
denominations, and the object of this secret maneuvering is to win
favor for the enforcement of Sunday sacredness. If the people can be
led to
favor a Sunday law, then the clergy intend to exert their united
to obtain a religious amendment to the Constitution, and compel the
to keep Sunday." That's from the Review and Herald again, December 24,

So it is vitally important that we not sleep, but that we be awake to
movements to bring to the front the false Sabbath. Let me read again
the Ten Commandments Commission website about how big this movement
is. "The Ten Commandments Commission has assembled a massive coalition
cross cultural interdenominational community leaders, pastors, rabbis,
educators, and heads of denominations who are committed to standing up
traditional values."

What does "traditional values" mean? This is a vague term that really
doesn't mean much. But eventually it will mean that which the
organizers of
the Ten Commandments Day want it to mean, and will probably reflect
what the
majority of people think are traditional values. It will certainly
the hot button issues that are being politically stirred these days. It
likely involve the issues of marriage which are so hotly debated right
in light of the gay movement to establish gay marriage in the United
Canada, Europe, Australia, New Zealand and other nations. It can
involve the
other morality issues that relate to the commandment not to kill, such
abortion. It can involve the commandment that prohibits sexual
which relates directly to pornography. But all of these and many more
just the foundation which gives the movement the opportunity to grow
into a
large force for change.

I think it is interesting that this comes at a time just after two
practicing Roman Catholics have been appointed to the U.S. Supreme
John Roberts and Samuel Alito, which will give the court the
opportunity to
shift away from the liberal agendas that have filled its docket for the
40 years or so and reverse its direction to a more conservative side.
this is a welcome change in many ways, it is nevertheless a dangerous
moment. The Supreme Court has five Catholics, whose loyalties the
church of
Rome claims first, above their loyalty to the Constitution. But the
Court also has two mainline Protestants that are part of churches that
support Sunday observance. That would make seven in favor of Sunday
laws if
they are inclined to over-ride the first amendment of the Constitution
the United States. There are two Sabbath keepers on the court. They are
Jews. But they are only two. What can they do when a majority are loyal
Rome and the others who would not oppose them. This is a day that Rome
longed for. When America's top court, that is supposed to protect the
Constitution that she hates, will begin to rule in favor of Catholic
and eventually impose, or allow to be imposed, laws that support her

I'm also amazed that this movement is developing just at the time when
are significant changes in the legal structures of many western
including privacy laws, surveillance laws, detention laws, and
the new terrorism laws that can easily be expanded and used against a

I'm also amazed that this new movement is developing just at the time
there is an increase in frequency and magnitude or intensity of natural
disasters around the world. And at a time of War in the Middle East and
other hot spots around the world that are threatening to explode into
war as

Why was the month of May chosen?

The Ten Commandments Day was originally appointed to be the fifth of
February, but it was changed to May seventh. The main reason was to
more time for the organizers to plan and especially promote the event.
more significantly, it was moved to May because it is around the time
Moses received the Ten Commandments from God. Let me read it to you
from the
website. "The leaders of the Ten Commandments Commission felt strongly
it was important to establish a date for Ten Commandments Day that
with the historical time period when Moses met with God on Mount Sinai
received the Ten Commandments for all mankind. The first Sunday in May
is an
ideal date, occurring between the Jewish observances of Passover and

Note that though the Ten Commandments were supposedly done away with at
cross, now it appears that the leaders have switched and are declaring
they were given for all mankind; at least their principles. I thought
were told that the fourth commandment was a Jewish institution. Perhaps
then, only the Seventh-day was nailed to the cross. Why do they want to
place an emphasis on Moses? Could this be so that Jewish leaders can be
brought into the movement? Could it be that it is important for Jews to
support the Ten Commandments Commission so that they won't fight the
Sunday law so hard when it does? Will even the Jewish Supreme Court
agree with Sunday laws too?

Supporters of the Sunday Movement.

You need to know who is supporting this movement. The Ten Commandments
Commission has a new chairman. His name is Belarmino "Blackie"
Gonzalez, who
is the founder of many media ministries and is on the Board of the
Religious Broadcasters, or the NRB. He is also vice-president of ACTS,
association of Christian Television Broadcasters. He is even on the
Board of
a national prayer ministry in Washington DC. "Blackie" is an
Christian that has "a special love for Israel," according to the Ten
Commandments website.

This man is very well connected. I had never heard of him before, but
obviously he brings to the Ten Commandments Commission a background
will serve them well. Let me read from the website again. "With the
of Belarmino "Blackie" R. Gonzalez as Chairman of the Ten Commandments
Commission came the added involvement of a variety of media ministries
religious broadcasting leaders, many of them being involved with Mr.
Gonzalez in the National Religious Broadcasters (NRB). The NRB's
with the Ten Commandments Commission has been a real blessing, because
means an abundance of broadcast resources that will help to make Ten
Commandments Day a success."

The NRB is a very powerful organization. They are the association that
involves media ministries that control the huge market for religious
listeners and viewers. The NRB is the most important association for
involved in broadcasting. With the NRB behind the Ten Commandments
Commission and the Ten Commandments Day, there will no doubt be a major
media blitz which will bring this issue to the forefront in the next

The man who started the Ten Commandments Commission is Ron Wexler. He
is a
man of tremendous vision. He was born in Israel and has a "vision of
harmony and reconciliation among all races and genders..." Ron Wexler
utilized his extensive contacts within the religious community to
together a cross-cultural, interdenominational strategic coalition of
influential Christian leaders known as the Millennium council." That is
interesting, and it is taken right from his biography on the Ten
Commandments Day website. I'll read just a little more. "Through Ron's
efforts, thousands have been touched with a new appreciation, respect,
tolerance for the differences in the way people observe their faiths."
Perhaps Ron doesn't know where this movement will lead, but he is
in organizing a movement that is very broad-based in its reach.

Now let me read to you the list of organizations and individuals that
signed on to the Ten Commandments Day association. Perhaps you will
recognize some of these names.
Dr. Paul Crouch, Founder and President of the Trinity Broadcasting
Bishop T.D. Jakes, CEO of The Potter's House of Dallas
Rabbi Yehuda David Greenberg
Jerome Edmondson , Senior Partner of Edmondson Associates
Jay Sekulow, Chief Counsel for the American Center for Law and Justice
Benny Hinn, Founder of Benny Hinn Ministries
Richard Shakarian of the Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship
Bishop George McKinney of Church of God in Christ
Pastor Billy Joe Daugherty of Tulsa Victory Christian Center
Ted Haggard, President of the National Association of Evangelicals
Dr. Mark J. Chironna, Overseer of The Master's Touch International
Richard Roberts, President of Oral Roberts University
Marilyn Hickey, Founder of Marilyn Hickey Ministries
Bishop Paul S. Morton, Founder of Life Center Full Gospel Baptist
Dr. Charles Phillips, Official Representative to the United Nations as
Non-Government Official to the Economic Concilias
Bishop Harold Ray, Pastor of Redemptive Life Fellowship
Dr. Charles Green, Pastor of Faith Church of New Orleans
Bishop Eddie L. Long of Bishop Eddie Long Ministries, Inc.
Jerry Horner, Th.D., Director of Doctoral Studies, Beacon University
Floyd Flake, Pastor and former Congressman
Susan Zahn, President and Founder of WDC Media Public Relations
Jason T. Christy, Publisher and Editor-in-Chief, The Church Report
David W. Clark, Ph.D. , President of Palm Beach Atlantic University
National Religious Broadcasters NRB Committee
Dr. Frank Wright, president of the National Religious Broadcasters
Belarmino (Blackie) Gonzales - President, KCHF-TV KDAZ
Garth W. Coonce - President, TCT Ministries
Ron Hembree - President, Cornerstone Television
Ken Mikesell - President, TV52 /45 Good Life Broadcasting
Bob D'Andrea, President CTN
Peter Sumrall, President Lesea Broadcasting
John Barker - President, The Ark Complex
Pastor George Morrison - Chairman, Promise Keepers
Mr. David Barton, Wallbuilders, Inc.
Mr. Gary Bauer, Campaign for Working Families
Mr. Joel Belz, World Magazine
Mr. Phil Burress, Citizens for Community Values
Mr. Jack Clayton,Christian Legal Defense and Education Foundation
Mr. Chuck Colson, Prison Fellowship,Washington, DC
Mrs. Roberta Combs, Christian Coalition,Washington, DC
Congressman Bill Dannemeyer (1979-1992), Americans for Voluntary School
Dr. James Dobson, Focus on the Family, Colorado Springs, CO
Rev. Jerry Falwell, Liberty Alliance, Lynchburg, VA
Mr. Mike Farris, Homeschool Legal Defense Association
Mr. David Keene, American Conservative Union
Dr. D. James Kennedy, Coral Ridge Ministries
Mr. Martin Mawyer, Christian Action Network
Mr. William Murray, Religious Freedom Coalition
Mr. Tony Perkins, Family Research Council, Washington, DC
Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny
Mrs. Frances Rath, Committee for Biblical Principles in Government
Ms. Sandy Rios, Concerned Women for America
Rev. Pat Robertson, Christian Broadcasting Network
Dr. Rick Scarborough, Vision America
Rev. Lou Sheldon, Traditional Values Coalition
Mr. Paul Weyrich, Free Congress Foundation
Mr. Don Wildmon, American Family Association
Rabbi Daniel Lapin, President, Toward Tradition

You can visit the website of the Ten Commandments Commission at
<> This
quite a list of very respected religious leaders in the United States.
it is obvious that this movement and association is mainly in the
States, when something like this is successful, you can be sure that
religious leaders in other nations will join in the effort. Keep in
that this May 7 will be the first annual Ten Commandments Day. There
will be
one every year and will increase in scope as more and more churches,
ministry leaders and other join in.
Here is a statement from the Review and Herald, April 23, 1889. "The
hour, involving our dearest interests, is an hour of momentous
Our rights as individuals and churches are brought into question in the
agitation on the enforcement of Sunday observance. Conflicting opinions
disturbing the minds of the religious world, and the people are at
in regard to what should be done in the matter. Events of a startling
character are fast thickening, and the anxious inquiry is already
'What shall be the end?'"
Now we see a movement designed to unite and organize all the churches
together. While it is based in evangelical leaders, you can be sure
that it
has the support of other religions including Jews and Catholics.

But what should we do when Sunday laws are agitated? Here is an
statement from the Manuscript Releases Vol. 2, Ms 16, 1890. Ellen White
referring to Sunday-Law agitation in 1890 when she wrote this. "This
when there is such an effort made to enforce the observance of Sunday,
the very opportunity to present to the world the true Sabbath in
contrast to
the false. The Lord in His providence is far ahead of us. He has
this Sunday question to be pressed to the front, that the Sabbath of
fourth commandment may be presented before the legislative assemblies.
the leading men of the nation may have their attention called to the
testimony of God's word in favor of the true Sabbath. If it does not
them, it is a witness to condemn. The Sabbath question is the great
question for this time."

So we need to be proclaiming the Sabbath in the fourth commandment of
It must be done with Christ at the center of it because it is centered
Christ. We are to proclaim it within the principles of righteousness by
faith and that Christ died for the sins of the world.

Here is another important statement from Counsels to Writers and
page 97-98. "I do hope that the trumpet will give a certain sound in
to this Sunday-law movement. I think that it would be best if in our
the subject of the perpetuity of the law of God were made a specialty.
Should there not be a paper or a pamphlet issued to take the place of
Sentinel? I have not been able to think that it was the wise thing to
do to
let that paper drop. It was a voice that was constantly speaking in
of religious liberty. The truth should be presented in short articles,
clear, distinct lines, giving special points in regard to the Lord's
Sabbath, and showing that those who frame laws to compel the observance
the first day of the week, are disloyal to the Lord of heaven, who
His sanctity upon the seventh day. Are we doing all we can to exalt the
of Jehovah? We should now be doing our very best to defeat this Sunday
The best way to do this will be to lift up the law of God and make it
forth in all its sacredness. This must be done so the truth triumphs."
Letter 58, 1906.

What an opportunity! Are we getting ready to do this? The time is very
when we will have to uphold the moral law of God in clear distinct
But we are teaching that it isn't so important to keep that law. If we
that Jesus is our Sabbath-keeping and we really don't have to keep the
Sabbath, then we will have no power to present the truth in all its
at the very moment when it is most important. If we are going out to
after church on Sabbath; if we go out an buy things on the Sabbath day,
we speak of secular things after church, or during fellowship dinner;
if we
generally disregard the sacred hours by letting our children do
that are not designed to draw their minds to the God of heaven and His
law, it is likely that we will not see the issue coming and be
unprepared to
stand clearly on the Lord's side. This is the time to be getting ready
friends. This is the time to let the Lord have His way in your life and
the life of your family.

The Lord has some pointed testimony for those who are in charge of our
publications. It is also found in Counsels to Writers and Editors, page
"In the night I was earnestly addressing those who are bearing
responsibilities of editors and contributors of our periodicals. . . .
those in charge of our periodicals have no more judgment than to fill
publications with the exaltations of human beings, then let them seek
from God. Your spiritual eyesight needs the heavenly anointing. . . In
pouring forth an overflow of praise of one whom they do not know, who
not accepted a "Thus saith the Lord" in keeping His commandments, they
themselves where, in the crisis coming upon us, they will have
discernment as they shall see the good things done by those who will
seek to
deceive, who will claim to be Christ and prophets sent of God."

Did you hear what that is saying? If we adulate and praise human beings
feature those in our publications who do not keep the Sabbath, such as
popular Christian leaders of our day, in an effort to become popular,
or be
recognized, and to avoid being called a cult, we place ourselves in a
position to have defective discernment. Do you want defective
Of course not. Then tell your leaders not to publish articles praising
and women who know not the Sabbath. If we adulate those who don't know
truth, God says that we will not have the clear discernment to
that these very people will actually seek to deceive. We will become
confused and our people will become disoriented. We will not see the
coming. We will not understand our duty, and will not be ready. We must
the trumpet a certain sound my friends. We must give ourselves to the
and seek to follow His counsel in regard to our publications.

I'll read on from page 99. "I know how the Lord regards all such
from those who suppose they are working righteousness, who seem to be
neither on one side nor on the other. The message that is given to me
them is: You are in darkness, you know not what you praise. God cannot
vindicate a work that has not His stamp upon it, for it is leading
others in
a way that does not bear the signature of heaven."

"This is a time when every sentence written should mean something
should be true, sincere. Not a scratch of the pen should be made in
order to
become popular or to vindicate that which God condemns. Those who
such a course have a zeal, a burning desire, to distinguish themselves,
they have not learned their lessons at the feet of Jesus. Self is
with all they do and say. They aim their weapons against their brethren
are doing the work God has appointed them, and they think in their
that they are doing God service."

You see my friends, it is easy to get things turned around if we don't
spiritual discernment. If we adulate the popular Christian leaders, we
turn things upside down, and turn against those that are upholding the
and doing what God has appointed them to do.

Where is all this heading? Where is the movement going that supports
the Ten
Commandments Day Commission? Let me read it to you from Great
This is from page 580. "Marvelous in her shrewdness and cunning is the
Church. She can read what is to be. She bides her time, seeing that the
Protestant churches are paying her homage in their acceptance of the
sabbath and that they are preparing to enforce it by the very means
she herself employed in bygone days. Those who reject the light of
will yet seek the aid of this self-styled infallible power to exalt an
institution that originated with her. How readily she will come to the
of Protestants in this work it is not difficult to conjecture. Who
understands better than the papal leaders how to deal with those who
disobedient to the church?"

And from page 579 we read, "Since the middle of the nineteenth century,
students of prophecy in the United States have presented this testimony
the world. In the events now taking place is seen a rapid advance
toward the
fulfillment of the prediction. With Protestant teachers there is the
claim of divine authority for Sundaykeeping, and the same lack of
evidence, as with the papal leaders who fabricated miracles to supply
place of a command from God. The assertion that God's judgments are
upon men for their violation of the Sunday-sabbath, will be repeated;
already it is beginning to be urged. And a movement to enforce Sunday
observance is fast gaining ground."

Reading now from page 573-574, "If the reader would understand the
to be employed in the soon-coming contest, he has but to trace the
record of
the means which Rome employed for the same object in ages past. If he
know how Papists and Protestants united will deal with those who reject
their dogmas, let him see the spirit which Rome manifested toward the
Sabbath and its defenders.

And finally, from page 588, "Through the two great errors, the
of the soul and Sunday sacredness, Satan will bring the people under
deceptions. While the former lays the foundation of spiritualism, the
creates a bond of sympathy with Rome. The Protestants of the United
will be foremost in stretching their hands across the gulf to grasp the
of spiritualism; they will reach over the abyss to clasp hands with the
Roman power; and under the influence of this threefold union, this
will follow in the steps of Rome in trampling on the rights of

My friends, we are on the verge the most momentous times. Please do not
ignore the signs of the times. God is calling you to be His agent in
last days to uphold the Sabbath of God found in scriptures. We are
Home, aren't we? We need to come under the true authority of God and
yield to the authority of man in opposition to God.

Let us pray. Our Father in Heaven, We are near the moments that
have spoken of. We are nearing the final stages of the conflict between
Christ and Satan for the control of our souls. I pray that we will have
Holy Spirit to teach us how to live in the sight of God with His
Let us not turn from the principles of scripture. Let us, in our
obey God's commands in every area. Especially may we uphold the
Thank you, in Jesus' name, Amen.


For those of you receiving the CD version of this message, the
following is
a current events update of interest to those that love the appearing of
Jesus Christ and are watching the fulfilling prophecies. This part of
program is only available on CD and on our website. We can see the
signs of
the times telling us that we are nearing the world's great crisis. May
Lord find us faithful.

President Bush Authorizes Spying on Americans

A major political controversy erupted in the United States over
in the New York Times about a secret program authorized by President
shortly after the Sept. 11 attacks, that gave the National Security
(NSA) the freedom to spy on American citizens without a court warrant.
Normally, if spying on American Citizens is felt necessary, it is
done by the FBI and is authorized by a secret court in Washington. This
is traditionally involved in foreign surveillance, but on rare
occasions it
has eavesdropped on American soil, usually involving embassies. This
decision was "a major shift in American intelligence-gathering
said the Times. Some officials familiar with the continuing operation
questioned if this is constitutional.

"'This is really a sea change,' said a former senior official who
specializes in national security law. 'Its almost a mainstay of this
that the NSA only does foreign searches.'"

So there are two issues involved. NSA is now doing surveillance in the
on U.S. citizens and it is not getting the constitutionally required
warrants for doing so. This is significant. We know that the United
will repudiate every principle of its constitution. Here we see a major
erosion of civil liberties and privacy rights. Yet it is being
justified by
the President and other leaders on the basis that the "President has
powers to order such searches, derived in part from the September 2001
congressional resolution authorizing him to wage war on al-Qaida and
terrorist groups," reported the Times.

But these initiatives by the administration have caused "an outcry from
members of Congress, watchdog groups, immigrants and others who argue
the measures erode protections for civil liberties and intrude on
privacy," the Times said.

The New York Times was going to publish their article a year ago in
2004, however, the White House heard about it and asked the Times not
publish it, "arguing that it could jeopardize continuing investigations
alert would-be terrorists that they might be under scrutiny. The
delayed publication for a year, and then published it without certain
information that the administration argued would be useful to

Terrorism, my friends, is again the excuse for conducting activities
permitted in the Constitution of the United States. President Bush has
defended this policy vigorously, saying that the surveillance is only
conducted if one end of the communication, whether email or phone, is
outside the United States, thereby bringing it under the NSA.

But on Saturday December 24th the New York Times reported that a
report by NSA indicates that the agency has conducted broader
of emails and telephone conversations without court orders than the
administration has admitted. Government officials told the New York
that NSA accessed domestic and international communications with the
help of
telecommunication companies. Companies have been storing information on
calling patterns since the September 11, 2001 attacks, and that NSA
officials have been studying the information in hope of finding

The argument that the government has to move quickly in terrorism
cases and thereby needs to be able to do its surveillance without the
oversight or the approval of the secret court is trivial. The court
always grants the warrants. They are not hard to get and don't take a
time, perhaps a couple of hours at the most. The real issue appears to
that the President and other leaders don't want court oversight of
activities. This is another way that the President gathers more power
to his

Claiming that they have been granted these powers by Congress in the
war on
terrorism, the administration essentially bypasses the legal process
that is
designed to protect American citizens from unwarranted search and
and opens the door for intrusion into all sorts of areas of their
lives. The
government claims that there are safeguards in place and that it still
the court approval for surveillance of strictly domestic
communications, it
still remains very clear to those who know the history of law, that
this is
not where it will likely stop. Those who know prophecy know that all
liberties will be undermined, eroded and eventually repudiated. U.S.
citizens are allowing repudiation of them one by one in the name of

"One government official involved in the operation," the Times
"said he privately complained to a Congressional official about his
about the program's legality. But nothing came of his inquiry. 'People
looked the other way because they didn't want to know what was going
on,' he

"Several national security officials say the powers granted the NSA by
President Bush go far beyond the expanded counterterrorism powers
granted by
Congress under the USA Patriot Act," reported the Times. "Under the
act, law
enforcement and intelligence officials are still required to seek a
warrant (that's the secret court), every time they want to eavesdrop
the United States."

But the Bush administration argues that they don't need the warrants
of the broad powers granted by Congress in fighting terrorism.
the relevant act is classified and cannot be studied by anyone but the
administration who uses it to defend their increased powers.

The Washington Post on December 18, 2005 was more pointed in its
"As with its infamous torture memorandum, the administration appears to
taken the position that the President is entitled to ignore a clearly
criminal law when it proves inconvenient in the war on terrorism...
FISA has
been the law of the land for 2 ‡ decades. To disrupt it so
fundamentally, in
total secret and without seeking legislative authorization, show
disregard for Congress and the laws it passes." The implications are
The President appears to be seeking to take more unsupervised power to
office of the President. This approach to government is unaccountable
and is
therefore wide open to abuse if he should succeed, as it appears he

I can't help but wonder friends, how this will end up. Is your privacy
really protected? Once the controversy over this issue eventually is
what legal barriers will be next? The fact that this is an
power claimed by the administration, reduces protests on a broad scale.
these powers eventually be expanded to allow spying on communications
on U.S. soil? Will these powers eventually be expanded to other targets
terrorists? Listen to our next report for a shocking insight into the

Governor of Massachusetts advocates spying on Mosques.

The Associated Press on September 16, 2005 reported on the storm of
controversy that arose from Governor Romney's comments at a speech
concerning anti-terrorism intelligence. Muslim leaders and civil
libertarians demanded an apology from Governor Mitt Romney for his
about wiretapping Mosques and monitoring foreign students, reported the
Associated Press, but the governor stood by his words, saying he was
advocating improved homeland security.

The governor's remarks are ominous to all believers who may one day
become a
target of government criminal laws. Here is what he said during his
Speaking of gathering intelligence at mosques, he said that
surveillance is
appropriate because they "may be teaching doctrines of hate and
Are we monitoring that? Are we wiretapping?" he asked. "Are we
what's going on? Are we seeing who's coming in, and who's coming out?
Are we
eavesdropping, carrying out surveillance on those individuals from
that sponsor domestic terror?"

This is a government leader in Massachusetts promoting the idea that
religious places of worship should be wiretapped and that those
doctrines of hate should be subject to surveillance. Of course his
were about mosques. However, once established, what is to prevent other
religion's houses of worship from being subjected to surveillance.
your beliefs are characterized one day as being doctrines of hate, and
therefore undermining national security. Would your church be

The governor appeared to characterize mosques as places that sponsor
domestic terror. Perhaps some of them are. But most are not. Muslim
strongly protested this general characterization. Underlying this is
systematic vilification of extreme Muslims in the press and by the
government. While extreme Muslims should be prevented from doing harm
to any
society, will there ever come a day when your beliefs will be vilified
extreme and you or your church will become the target of eavesdropping?

Governor Romney justified his comments on the basis that he was only
advocating that the level of resources committed to fighting terrorism
should be substantially enhanced, according to the Associated Press
"Romney said... he wasn't advocating for anything that wasn't already

Is that true? Are mosques already being wiretapped? I'm sure they are,
hopefully under court supervision. But when your faith becomes the
target of
vilification, it will be an easy thing to expand the scope of
of religious places of worship. It also appears that it will be easy to
a court warrant if necessary, to eavesdrop on your congregation, or
your constitutional protections all together if they aren't convenient.

Google Fights the Government over Privacy.

It seems that surveillance has become the watchword of this month's
religious liberty report. Here is another item that should interest
concerned about their privacy.

In its latest effort to intrude on the privacy of U.S. citizens, the
government has demanded that Google the Internet giant search engine,
over its users search records so that the government can develop a
of users and determine how easily accessible pornographic sites are,
and how
effective filtering software is.

While we don't appreciate pornography, it is nevertheless an important
attempt at intruding on the privacy of Internet users. If search
queries can
be linked to users IDs, then law enforcement agencies would have a huge
opportunity to spy on U.S. citizens and their Internet usage patterns.
Internet search engines have cooperated with the government and
information from their records, but Google believes that their request
onerous and jeopardizes the right of privacy.

The New York Times reported that the dispute with Google comes as the
government is moving aggressively on several fronts to obtain data on
Internet activity to achieve its law enforcement goals, from domestic
security to the prosecution of online crime.

How private and secure do you think the Internet will be? How protected
government snooping will your searches be online? Perhaps one other
is appropriate; how easy would it be for key words that relate to your
to become the target of surveillance in the online world of cyberspace?

Privacy in Britain.

Privacy in Britain is also under assault. The BBC, on January 21, 2006,
said, "The government (that's the British government) has defended
the DNA profiles of about 24,000 children and young people aged 10 to

"The youngsters' details are held on the UK database, despite them
having been cautioned, charged or convicted of an offence, a
Conservative MP
found," the BBC said. MP Grant Shapps "fears a huge juvenile database -
though not illegal - is being created by 'stealth" and the 'back door.'
the government wants to build a DNA database of the entire population,
starting with kids - then let it bring forward proposals, pass it
parliament and have a debate."

The world is changing my friends. In Britain it is not illegal for the
government to maintain records of all its citizen's DNA. What a
tool! "The Home Office," reported the BBC "announced earlier this month
7% of the UK population would be on the database in two years' time. It
already the biggest in the world... Police can now track down offenders
matching samples with other family members who may be on the database."

It is amazing to see how new technology is justified on the platform of
criminal prosecution or anti-terrorism. Eventually, these technologies
make it difficult for God's people to practice their faith, don't you

That's all we have time for today my friends. God bless you until next
month. Keep The Faith."

Registered user
Username: Randyg

Post Number: 162
Registered: 12-2004
Posted on Tuesday, April 18, 2006 - 12:54 pm:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)


I also received this same letter forwarded to me by a dear friend about 2 weeks ago. I probably over did it with my lengthy reply about how nice it was to not have to believe all that stuff anymore. As I recall I mentioned the article contained 1 Bible text taken out of context, and 23(+or-)lengthy Ellen White quotes.

To be honest with you, it is this type of material that reinforces my firm belief that my decision to leave Adventism for the joys of Christianity was the right and only choice.

Some will say that most of Adventism really doesn't believe this way anymore. Unfortunately this is what is strongly taught and reinforced in the Fundamental Beliefs. All this from the "pen of inspiration". This sermon could not have been written from "Sola Scripture" because it is just not in the Bible.

To my friend's credit she accepted my invitation to the wonderful Good Friday service at the Church where I now worship. We both received a blessing and participated in communion with fellow believers in Christ.

I cannot disparage this type of sermon, because those who are finally willing to question the validity of their beliefs will at some point recognize that this endtime paranoia and the fear it illicits, is just not justified once you accept and truly believe in the completeness of Christ's sacrifice. This type of sermon just makes the contrasts between Ellen White and the Good news of Salvation that much more apparent and clear.

Thank-you for posting this article, for it portrays the Adventist mindset, and demonstrate once again, the fears of being Adventist. I praise God that he has blessed me with the opportunity to share the Good news of Jesus alone. I am at times overwhelmed at the task, and then again must remember I can only plant the seeds and hopefully do a little watering. It is not my job to make the plants grow.

Peace and Blessings,

Registered user
Username: Rafael_r

Post Number: 36
Registered: 2-2006
Posted on Tuesday, April 18, 2006 - 2:22 pm:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

I would like to konw what Mr. Mayer think about the persecution that many christian around the world are facing now. Some times I think that Adventist live in another planet. I'll be very happy if a sunday law is passed in every country.

WWL: Focus on the Top Ten
1. North Korea
Violations of human rights are the order of the day in the Stalinist country of North Korea, including many breaches of religious rights. North Korea has entered its fourth year as the worst violator of religious rights for Christians. Christianity is observed as a dangerous foreign influence which stimulated the collapse of communist regimes in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union and therefore poses one of the greatest threats to the regimeís power. As a result, the North Korean authorities are making harsh efforts to root out Christianity. It is believed that tens of thousands of Christians are currently suffering in North Korean prison camps, where they face cruel abuses. The hermit regime is suspected of detaining more political and religious prisoners than any other country in the world. Several North Koreans became Christians after crossing the border with China and entering into contact with local Christians. Many among these were exposed as believers when they returned to North Korea, and they were specially targeted for arrest. Many of them were tortured and killed. Though no exact figures can be given, our staff estimates that hundreds of Christians were killed by the regime in 2005. Amidst all of this, North Korea is trying to keep up a facade of religious freedom, trying to cover the complete lack of this inalienable human right, by -- among others -- organising government-sponsored religious services in show churches in the capital of Pyongyang, which foreigners are allowed to attend.
2. Saudi Arabia
Also this year, Saudi Arabia remains high in the top ten of the World Watch List. Religious freedom does not exist in the Wahhabist kingdom where citizens are only allowed to adhere to one religion: Islam. No legal protection is provided for freedom of religion, neither does this protection exist in practice. The legal system is based on Islamic law (sharia). Apostasy -- conversion to another religion -- is punishable by death. Although the government recognizes the right of non-Muslims to worship in private, the public practice of non-Muslim worship is prohibited. However, more than 70 expatriate Christians were arrested in 2005 during worship in private homes in what has been called Saudi Arabia¥s largest crackdown on Christians in a decade. Most of the arrested Christians were eventually released.
3. Iran
Islam is the official religion in Iran, and all laws and regulations must be consistent with the official interpretation of sharia law. Whereas the deterioration of religious freedom for Christians started with the victory of conservative parties at the beginning of 2004, a new wave of persecution of Christians followed the election of a hard-line conservative president in June 2005, bringing the country to position number 3 in the World Watch List. President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad hailed his election triumph as a new Islamic revolution that could spread throughout the world and pledged to restore an ëíIslamic governmentíí in Iran, implying that the previous administrations were not sufficiently Islamic. Since 2005's election, many Christians have not only been rounded up for harassment, but many have been arrested and beaten. One house church pastor was killed in November. Ethnic Christians are still allowed to express their faith within their own church walls, but those who come from a Muslim background face tremendous risk because the government wants them to return to Islam. Allegedly, local authorities throughout the nation have been given the order to crack down on all Christian cell groups. Because the churches are forbidden to assist any Muslim background believers, many ethnic churches removed their support from their brothers and sisters of Muslim origin. The new policy threatens evangelism and discipleship efforts. Muslim background believer cell groups are now meeting in secret.
4. Somalia
In Somalia, there is no constitution or any legal provision for the protection of religious freedom. The federal government is very weak as the warlords still have some control in different parts of Somalia. Islam is the official religion and social pressure is strong to respect Islamic tradition, especially in certain rural parts of the country. Most regions make use of local forms of conflict resolution, either secular, traditional clan-based arbitration, or Islamic (sharia) law. Less than one percent of ethnic Somalis are Christian, practicing their faith in secret. In some parts of Somalia, underground believers from a Muslim background find themselves in a worse situation in 2005. Five of these believers were killed by fundamentalist Muslims. As a result, many others became afraid and fled to Kenya and other parts of the world.
5. Maldives
In the archipelago of the Maldives, Islam is the official state religion and all citizens must be Muslims. Sharia law is observed, which prohibits the conversion from Islam to another religion. A convert could lose citizenship as a result. It is prohibited to practice any other religion than Islam, which is considered to be an important tool in stimulating national unity and maintenance of the governmentís power. Thus it is impossible to open any churches, though foreigners are allowed to practice their religion in private if they donít encourage citizens to participate. The Bible and other Christian materials cannot be imported apart from a copy for personal use. In the country -- one of the least evangelized countries on earth -- there are only a handful indigenous believers, and they live their faith in complete secrecy. The lack of respect for religious freedom in the Maldives remained the same during 2005.
6. Bhutan
Mahayana Buddhism is the state religion in the Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan. Officially, the Christian faith does not exist and Christians are not allowed to pray or celebrate in public. Also, the government forbids Christian house gatherings that involve several families. Priests are denied visas to enter the country. Christians are being deprived of their rights, such as childrenís education, government jobs and setting up private businesses. The import of printed religious matter is restricted, and only Buddhist religious texts are allowed in the country. Society exerts strong pressure to comply with Buddhist norms. Christians are regularly arrested, as the local police often use arrests as a pressure tactic to make believers refrain from witnessing. Believers are not only experiencing pressure from the authorities but also from Buddhists clerics, sometimes experiencing physical assaults.
7. Vietnam
Vietnam is one of the last communist-ruled countries in the world. Although the constitution provides for religious freedom, the atheist regime tries to keep religion under strict control with a system of obligatory registrations. Many believers escape this by not registering. From time to time the Vietnamese government holds campaigns and closes churches, especially in the highlands. Vietnam drops a few places on the list, as Christians have expressed that their situation has improved in 2005, compared to previous years. In November 2004, a new ordinance was implemented in Vietnam to regulate religion. Though many feared this would lead to increasing oppression, it seems that the new ordinance has in fact resulted in slight improvements. The Evangelical Church of Vietnam was allowed to build and renovate church buildings and conduct trainings. For Roman Catholics, the situation improved dramatically: they were allowed to open a new diocese and ordain 57 new priests. Though arrests and beatings of Christians continued during 2005, they seem to take place to a lesser extent than in 2004, when more than 100 Christians were imprisoned and maltreated and an unknown number killed during Easter demonstrations against religious rights.
8. Yemen
The Yemeni constitution guarantees freedom of religion but it also declares that Islam is the state religion and that sharia is the source of all legislation. The Yemeni government allows expatriates some freedom to live out their faith, but Yemeni citizens are not allowed to convert. There are a handful of converts from Islamic background who face the death penalty if they are discovered. During the past year, several Christian converts were arrested and beaten for their faith. Nearly all those arrested were released after paying a fine/bribe.
9. Laos
Together with Cuba, North Korea, Vietnam and China, Laos is one of the remaining communist-ruled countries in the world. Laosí constitution provides for religious freedom. However, the absence of rule of law and specific regulation on religious matters allows local officials to interpret and implement the constitutional provisions as they choose. The Laotian authorities allow limited presence of Christianity and put believers under strict surveillance. The regime limits the number of open churches and regularly closes churches, especially in the countryside. The biggest challenges to the church in Laos are societal pressure against converts who renounce evil spirit worship. But still there are many unregistered activities and the church seems to be growing despite persecution. Our staff in the region report that the situation for Christians has improved over 2005, particularly in the southern part of the country. The situation has especially improved at the grassroots level. Christian leaders in the south have expressed that they are able to undertake many church activities with no or little government interference, and training of leaders by major local leaders has increased. What particularly has changed in the last three years is the increasing ability of church leaders or individual Christians to bring cases of persecution and abuse by local government leaders to the respective national offices. When abuses were reported to the national government, local officials were reprimanded and removed from office or transferred to other locations. However, the main group of Christians in the north continues to face difficulties and persecution. Though to a lesser extent than in previous years, Christians continued to be arrested for their faith and put under pressure to renounce their faith in 2005. Bible imports were cancelled in August as the regime stepped up monitoring the provinces that were used to transport the materials.
10. China
In China, the constitution provides for freedom of religious belief and the freedom not to believe. New comprehensive regulations on religious affairs passed on March 1. The most significant change is that a church can register directly under the Religious Affairs department instead of under the Three Self Patriotic Movement (TSPM). There seems to be no real change compared to the old religion law though and it appears that the government is using the new regulations to pressure unregistered house churches to register and extend control over them. During 2005, a massive crackdown took place on house churches throughout China in which thousands of Christians were arrested. Most of them were released after a few days.
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The truth about China

Persecution List

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Registered user
Username: Doc

Post Number: 197
Registered: 2-2003
Posted on Wednesday, April 19, 2006 - 3:21 am:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)


Thanks for posting that, it is good to remember our brothers under persecution. I have got about half way through reading "the Heavenly Man" about the growth of the underground church in China, which is an eye-opener.
Certainly makes you question the prosperity gospel, LOL.

God bless,
Registered user
Username: Helovesme2

Post Number: 473
Registered: 8-2004

Posted on Wednesday, April 19, 2006 - 8:44 am:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Yes, thank you Rafael!

Sometimes we become so caught up in our own little circles, whatever they may be, that we forget that the church is not just the little bit we see where we fellowship, but is spread all over the world, that persecution still exists. Or rather, that real people, real live brothers and sisters in Christ, are enduring real torture for the sake of Jesus as we speak, and as we rise up and sit down and (in some cases) sit back and take it easy.

May we hear God's voice and obey the guidance He gives as to what our business is on this planet. Where we are to serve, what we are to pray, who our neighbors are.

We have been blessed, let us stick closely to Him that He may also make us a blessing!

Registered user
Username: Tealeaves

Post Number: 310
Registered: 5-2004
Posted on Wednesday, April 19, 2006 - 10:05 am:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

In a weak moment, I responded with the following note to my husband's aunt, who sent this article to me.
"Usually I would just discard this, but I have got to remark on it this time. From one follower of Christ to another, I just have to tell you what my thinking on this is.
Please, take a close look at "Sunday Law Agitation" article this before swallowing it whole. First it is an almost exact replica of pamphlets circulated on the WWC campus over 10 years ago, about a supposed "current and pressing Sunday Law Scare" that was supposed to happen at that time. And during that time, I was in a religion class at WWC and the religion professor pulled out the same type of SDA literature that was circulating during the time of JFK's presidency. (JFK being a Catholic was supposed to enforce Sunday laws and usher in the end of the world. etc....)
This is so biblically ungrounded. And not in any way indicative of the current political climate. It has serious paranoid cultic earmarks throughout. This type of thing is such a serious skewed distraction from God's truth and the Gospel message that Satan must be amused and tickled pink to see people spend their time on it.
Christ just wants us to trust Him with all our hearts, to lean on Him. He wants our hearts, He wants us to love Him with all we are, all He has given us, and spread His message of love and salvation to everyone. He doesn't ask us to spread a message of paranoid political fear, He asks us to LOVE each other.
Perhaps this caught me on a sensitive day, but I just get so frustrated when I see people spending their energy on fear-based, unfounded unbiblical religious musings when there are hurting people out there that need to know of Christ's love and sacrifice for them. As a New Covenant believer, placing my faith in Christ, I don't need to fear. Christ has taken my burden of sin, including the sprit of fear, and He has filled me with a passion and love for lost people. I may stumble and fall, because I am human, but He lifts me up and has covered my sins. And in humility I submit my life, finances, everything I have to Him for the furtherance of HIs Message... which is love for the world expressed through the ultimate sacrifice of His Son on the cross... He charges us only with the responsibility to BELIEVE in that sacrifice to receive the gift of Grace, of salvation.
That ultimate sacrifice, that gift of Grace, God's unconditional love for His people, THAT is a message worth spreading.

There... My propensity for occasionally "telling it like I see it" resurfaces and probably ruffles feathers. But I feel strongly about it. And the Bible speaks strongly about it."

.... I usually do just disregard the propaganda, but what good am I doing if I just pretend it sounds utterly normal when it is so incredibly skewed? I get frustrated, because I don't really know what the best way is to respond. So every once in a while, I tell it like i see it. We'll see if that causes waves, since it has been SDA friends who have heard my views, but not my husbands family. They know that I am not SDA, and that Mike no longer is either,, they just havent heard it from me. I guess now they have.

Anyone have any suggestions on a better way to communicate with them? The bottom line is that they feel "above" me, so no matter what I say, they won't put stock in it anyway. But I do wnat to respond in a Christlike manner. My dilemma is that CHrist dealt rather candidly and harshly with the legalistic "believers", the Pharisees. Nothing seemed to get through to them.

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Username: Colleentinker

Post Number: 3781
Registered: 12-2003

Posted on Wednesday, April 19, 2006 - 10:40 am:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Tanya, I think you said some important things in that letter. I'm coming more and more to believe that when we are in Christ, we can trust Him to use us and our words to glorify Himself.

First, when we are praying to honor Him and to speak and live for Him, we can know that He will be able to speak through us even when we're not aware of it. Second, when we do rush ahead and respond "in the flesh", even then we can submit it to God and ask that He redeem it, change my heart, and use my flawed communication for His glory, touching and changing hearts with His Spirit.

Actually, I think you said some really important things to the aunt that sent the material, and you said it kindly. You can pray for her and trust God to work on her heart. She may not like what you said...but she cannot run from the convicting power of the Holy Spirit. She will, sooner or later, have to deal with the truth God is showing her.

God's timing is perfect!

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Username: Nicole

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Posted on Thursday, April 20, 2006 - 11:00 am:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

i am married to a man who was raised a devout SDA. his dad was a pastor, but his parent s divorced after years of infidelity on his part. his parents, esp. his mother, are devout SDA (went to SDA schools, Southern, etc.) and everything they do is dictated by this religion. we have been married seven years (together 12) so i have witnessed what they believe and hold as true through their actions. i am a life-long practicing catholic, and my husband has always attended church with me and our children. his mom has sent my husband books over the years indicating that the catholic church (the pope) is the anti-christ and that only sabbath-keepers and those who obey His law will have salvation. I have always been very bothered by their views knowing that they believe these things to the core of their very being. all of therestrictions placed on themselves makes it so uncomfortable to be around them. i am never at ease. although i was raised catholic, my mom wwas raised protestant (she converted when she married my dad 40 years ago), so we were taught to always have an open mind to all religions and that God existed in many churches. we always were taught (and reinforced in catholic schools) that we were assured salvation through Jeses' death on the cross and our belief in him. good works merely were a reflection of our love for him, but as humans we are not perfect (hence the need for Him to pay the ultimate sacrifice for us).
my husband has always noticed the tension i have had towards his mother, but it has been very difficult to talk about it. i know he carries a lot of submerged guilt, and therefore has a hard time developing a true relationship with Christ. how can i help him without causing defensiveness (his whole family for generations are SDA). and how can i develop a better relationship with his mom?
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Username: Rafael_r

Post Number: 38
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Posted on Thursday, April 20, 2006 - 11:31 am:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Welcome Nicole to this forum and God bless you. Is very dificult to deal with adventist relative, I know that by painful experience, since they believe that they are the people of God just because they keep the saturday sabbath. If you want to develop a good relantionship with your husband's mother I suggest you to avoid any discussion about religious subjects, be polite and lovely, finally pray for her.

In Christ, Rafael.
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Username: Riverfonz

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Posted on Thursday, April 20, 2006 - 11:40 am:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Welcome Nicole to FAF!

You have really been exposed to the cult mentality that unfortunately exists in many areas of Adventism. You apparently had a good education in Catholic schools. Adventists have no room to criticise Catholics. It is true that both systems of SDA and RCC have works-righteousness systems, and it may be possible to find pockets of God's grace working in RCC and as well as Adventism, but you clearly have run up against the cultic spirit of Adventism. You will find a supportive group here, and I am glad you are here.

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Username: Schasc

Post Number: 60
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Posted on Thursday, April 20, 2006 - 12:41 pm:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

I guess my first thought as I read this was......It just promotes fear in people! Having said that how does one view EG White and her statements when it comes to those end time events. Do some of them seem accurate or was she just lucky in her prophecy? When we see what is happening with the ten commandment day movement and we read some of EG Whites statements it does make you wonder..........any thoughts?
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Username: Tealeaves

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Posted on Thursday, April 20, 2006 - 1:28 pm:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

EGW has had SO many "prophecies" that were so far from unture, that it really discounts her credibility. Some of the "end-time" prophecies she made are the typical doomsday predictions made by so many different people, so they may look familiar on that account. But realistically, do you see the world moving towards forcing all people to worship God on any day, let alone Sunday?
The political mainstream world is moving away from a Christian, forced worship scenario, not towards it. The world is going toward an "anything goes, you have your views, I have mine" type philosophy where they find inner gods and incorporate other people's gods. They aren't about to push everyone into corporate mandatory Sunday worship.
It just makes no sense.
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Username: Raven

Post Number: 431
Registered: 7-2004

Posted on Thursday, April 20, 2006 - 1:29 pm:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

It doesn't matter how many "accurate" prophecies EGW had or will have. All it takes is one failed prophecy to make her a false prophet, and she has MANY failed prophecies. As a false prophet, her writings hold no sway or power over me, because they are not God's word. Even psychics get more things right than EGW did.

Regarding 10 Commandment Day, it just goes to show there are many deceived Christians out there, and not only SDA's. Christians answer to Jesus, not to the 10 Commandments. The Bible really doesn't give many details about end time events--we'll all have to wait and see. However, even if a big deal is made about the 10 Commandments, it seems more impossible today than it even did in EGW's day, for there to ever be a worldwide Sunday Law, let alone such a law in America. Can you picture Hindu's and Muslim's going along with a Christian day? There are far more non-Christians in America today than there were 100 years ago. In addition, even if there were a Sunday Law, how does that prevent anyone from keeping Sabbath? There's nothing in the 10 Commandments that says we can't worship on Sunday or any other day of the week.

You're right, Schasc - the cultic mentality does just promote needless fear in people. All anyone needs is Jesus, and that's enough for any end time events that may occur.
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Username: Dennis

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Posted on Thursday, April 20, 2006 - 2:01 pm:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)


The main proponents of the Ten Commandment movement do not consider the Jewish Sabbath still binding. Rather, they adhere to the transference view of Sunday being the Sabbath by claiming that one-in-seven is somehow a "principle." They wrongly reason that the "ministry of death" can actually transform lives to prevent crime. We are not authorized to make principles out of Old Covenant rituals.

Obviously, Jesus, our True Sabbath Rest, is not featured or exalted in this legalistic campaign. It is much easier for many to promote a list of directives than to place their faith in Christ alone. Legalism is the natural bent of the unregenerate heart. Truly, "if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the Law" (Gal. 5:18 NASB).

Dennis Fischer
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Username: Rafael_r

Post Number: 39
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Posted on Thursday, April 20, 2006 - 2:15 pm:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Schasc, centuries befor Ellen White was born or any seventh day adventist, there was sunday laws, so that is not new. Time is the enemy of all false profecy, dont worry.
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Username: Colleentinker

Post Number: 3793
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Posted on Thursday, April 20, 2006 - 4:17 pm:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Nicole, welcome to the forum. I'm so glad you're here. Your situation with your MIL is very diificult, and the tension it causes with your husband is uncomfortable, I'm sure.

I agree that it's probably best not to discuss religion with her unless she brings it up. In the meantime, pray that God will teach you the truth so when such things do come up, you will know how to answer with His words. Pray also that you will be able to love her not for your sake or her sake, but love her for God. He wants to reveal truth to her, and if you are willing to be available, God will be able to love her Himself through you even though you don't know exactly what she needs.

Becoming really gounded in Scirpture will be vital for you, because Scripture is where the real answers to the Adventist deception lie. Also, you do have the right to ask her not to teach religion to your children (if you have children) if you see her doing so.

I recommend reading about Adventism and learning the Biblical answers to the Adventist deceptions. Dale Ratzlaff's books Sabbath in Christ and Cultic Doctrine of Seventh-day Adventists are good ones, and Greg Taylor's Discovering the New Covenant is excellent (all avaiable at

Schasc, the current focus on the Ten Commandments means something quite different, I believe, from what we were taught such a thing might mean when we were Adventists. Without doubt, counterfeit religion will become an increasingly central focus in the world as it moves toward the Day of the Lord. The issue, though, will be whether or not people will be loyal to Jesus or loyal to an eveil deception.

Typical Adventism flatters itself that their day of worship will become an issue, setting them apart from all other "apostate" religions. Their "secret knowledge" of the day's significance (and their supposed special understanding the the law's application) will entitle them to be holier and more hunted than anyone else.

Yet there is no power in honoring a day or clinging to the law. What Adventists are doing is exactly what other deceived Christians are doing who do not know Jesus and allow His Spirit to transform them. The focus on the law removes people's focus from Jesusóand Adventists are "fitting in" with "mainstream Christians" better now than at any time in their history.

Evil (anti-Christ) power, though, is threatened NOT by law-keeping. It is threatened by the true power that comes from the Holy Spirit inhabiting those who are the true body of Christ. Roman power could not stop the growth of the church in Acts, nor could it restrain the apostles from witnessing to Christ's power, doing miracles in His name, and ultimately maintaining their loyalty to Jesus in the face of death while countless thousands continued to discover the gospel and experience the new birth.

A totalitarian regime is not threatened by people intent on law-keeping. In fact, loyal legalists are the sorts of people who fit in well in autocratic societies because they know how to use the law to protect their own interests. Law spells out how people can keep others happy, and there are always legal loopholes for adjusting one's personal needs to fit under the law.

What totalitarian regimes cannot tolerate is people whose loyalty is to someone besides the government, emperor, or law. Evil authority is fatally threatened by a person's loyalty to the Lord Jesus because that person literally has the presence and power of God inside him. To an evil despot, a born-again Christian is a "loose cannon" that cannot be controlled by mere law. Evil will not seek to eradicate lawóit is the secret to its success. Rather it will seek to eradicate all those who express loyalty to Someone other than the law or the reigning despot.

I think it's possible that there could be a fairly widespread return to religious law. Such a phenomenon, however, will not mean what we were taught it meant. It will be simply another way to eclipse the power Jesus and the impact of a changed life in Christ.

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Username: Rafael_r

Post Number: 40
Registered: 2-2006
Posted on Friday, April 21, 2006 - 11:55 am:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

What Adventists are doing is exactly what other deceived Christians are doing who do not know Jesus and allow His Spirit to transform them... and Adventists are "fitting in" with "mainstream Christians" better now than at any time in their history.®®

Colleen, how any person can be a christian without not knowing Christ?

What do you think of a christian mother that discipline her non-christian childrens when they says lies or are desobedients to her, do you think that she is legalist?

What is the problem with "mainstream Christians"?

Do you think that historic Christianity is wrong?

Would you read the next statement and tell me yuor opinion?

In order to be able to expound the Scriptures, and as an aid to your pulpit studies, you will need to be familiar with the commentators: a glorious army, let me tell you, whose acquaintance will be your delight and profit. Of course, you are not such wiseacres as to think or say that you can expound Scripture without assistance from the works of divines and learned men who have laboured before you in the field of exposition. If you are of that opinion, pray remain so, for you are not worth the trouble of conversion, and like a little coterie who think with you, would resent the attempt as an insult to your infallibility. It seems odd, that certain men who talk so much of what the Holy Spirit reveals to themselves, should think so little of what he has revealed to others. My chat this afternoon is not for these great originals, but for you who are content to learn of holy men, taught of God, and mighty in the Scriptures. It has been the fashion of late years to speak against the use of commentaries. If there were any fear that the expositions of Matthew Henry, Gill, Scott, and others, would be exalted into Christian Targums, we would join the chorus of objectors, but the existence or approach of such a danger we do not suspect. The temptations of our times lie rather in empty pretensions to novelty of sentiment, than in a slavish following of accepted guides. A respectable acquaintance with the opinions of the giants of the past, might have saved many an erratic thinker from wild interpretations and outrageous inferences. Usually, we have found the despisers of commentaries to be men who have no sort of acquaintance with them; in their case, it is the opposite of familiarity which has bred contempt. It is true there are a number of expositions of the whole Bible which are hardly worth shelf room; they aim at too much and fail altogether; the authors have spread a little learning over a vast surface, and have badly attempted for the entire Scriptures what they might have accomplished for one book with tolerable success; but who will deny the preeminent value of such expositions as those of Calvin, Ness, Henry, Trapp, Poole, and Bengel, which are as deep as they are broad? and yet further, who can pretend to biblical learning who has not made himself familiar with the great writers who spent a life in explaining some one sacred book? Caryl on Job will not exhaust the patience of a student who loves every letter of the Word; even Collinges, with his nine hundred and nine pages upon one chapter of the Song, will not be too full for the preacher's use; nor will Manton's long metre edition of the hundred and nineteenth Psalm (Ps 119:1-176) be too profuse. No stranger could imagine the vast amount of real learning to be found in old commentaries like the following:--Durham on Solomon's Song, Wilcocks on Psalms and Proverbs, Jermin on Ecclesiastes and Proverbs, Greenhill on Ezekiel, Burroughs on Hosea, Ainsworth on the Pentateuch, King on Jonah, Hutcheson on John, Peter Martyr on Romans, &c., and in Willett, Sibbes, Bayne, Elton, Byfield, Daille, Adams, Taylor, Barlow, Goodwin, and others on the various epistles. Without attempting to give in detail the names of all, I intend in a familiar talk to mention the more notable, who wrote upon the whole Bible, or on either Testament, and I especially direct your attention to the titles, which in Puritan writers generally give in brief the run of the work.

First among the mighty for general usefulness we are bound to mention the man whose name is a household word, Matthew Henry. 1 He is most pious and pithy, sound and sensible, suggestive and sober, terse and trustworthy. You will find him to be glittering with metaphors, rich in analogies, overflowing with illustrations, superabundant in reflections. He delights in apposition and alliteration; he is usually plain, quaint, and full of pith; he sees right through a text directly; apparently he is not critical, but he quietly gives the result of an accurate critical knowledge of the original fully up to the best critics of his time. He is not versed in the manners and customs of the East, for the Holy Land was not so accessible as in our day; but he is deeply spiritual, heavenly, and profitable; finding good matter in every text, and from all deducing most practical and judicious lessons. His is a kind of commentary to be placed where I saw it, in the old meeting house at Chester--chained in the vestry for anybody and everybody to read. It is the poor man's commentary, the old Christian's companion, suitable to everybody, instructive to all. His own account of how he was led to write his exposition, affords us an example of delighting in the law of the Lord. "If any desire to know how so mean and obscure a person as I am, who in learning, judgment, felicity of expression, and all advantages for such a service, am less than the least of all my Master's servants, came to venture upon so great a work, I can give no other account of it but this. It has long been my practice, what little time I had to spare in my study from my constant preparations for the pulpit, to spend it in drawing up expositions upon some parts of the New Testament, not so much for my own use, as purely for my own entertainment, because I know not how to employ my thoughts and time more to my satisfaction. Trahit sua quemque voluptas; every man that studies hath some beloved study, which is his delight above any other; and this is mine. It is that learning which it was my happiness from a child to be trained up in by my ever honoured father, whose memory must always be very dear and precious to me. He often minded me, that a good textuary is a good divine; and that I should read other books with this in my eye, that I might be the better able to understand and apply the Scripture." You are aware, perhaps, that the latter part of the New Testament was completed by other hands, the good man having gone the way of all flesh. The writers were Messrs. Evans, Brown, Mayo, Bays, Rosewell, Harriss, Atkinson, Smith, Tong, Wright, Merrell, Hill, Reynolds, and Billingsley--all Dissenting ministers. They have executed their work exceedingly well, have worked in much of the matter which Henry had collected, and have done their best to follow his methods, but their combined production is far inferior to Matthew Henry himself, and any reader will soon detect the difference. Every minister ought to read Matthew Henry entirely and carefully through once at least. I should recommend you to get through it in the next twelve months after you leave college. Begin at the beginning, and resolve that you will traverse the goodly land from Dan to Beersheba. You will acquire a vast store of sermons if you read with your notebook close at hand; and as for thoughts, they will swarm around you like twittering swallows around an old gable towards the close of autumn. If you publicly expound the chapter you have just been reading, your people will wonder at the novelty of your remarks and the depth of your thoughts, and then you may tell them what a treasure Henry is. Mr. Jay's sermons bear indubitable evidence of his having studied Matthew Henry almost daily. Many of the quaint things in Jay's sermons are either directly traceable to Matthew Henry or to his familiarity with that writer. I have thought that the style of Jay was founded upon Matthew Henry: Matthew Henry is Jay writing, Jay is Matthew Henry preaching. What more could I say in commendation either of the preacher or the author?

It would not be possible for me too earnestly to press upon you the importance of reading the expositions of that prince among men, John Calvin! 2 I am afraid that scant purses may debar you from their purchase, but if it be possible procure them, and meanwhile, since they are in the College library, use them diligently. I have often felt inclined to cry out with Father Simon, a Roman Catholic, "Calvin possessed a sublime genius", and with Scaliger, "Oh! how well has Calvin reached the meaning of the prophets--no one better." You will find forty two or more goodly volumes worth their weight in gold. Of all commentators I believe John Calvin to be the most candid. In his expositions he is not always what moderns would call Calvinistic; that is to say, where Scripture maintains the doctrine of predestination and grace he flinches in no degree, but inasmuch as some Scriptures bear the impress of human free action and responsibility, he does not shun to expound their meaning in all fairness and integrity. He was no trimmer and pruner of texts. He gave their meaning as far as he knew it. His honest intention was to translate the Hebrew and the Greek originals as accurately as he possibly could, and then to give the meaning which would naturally be conveyed by such Greek and Hebrew words: he laboured, in fact, to declare, not his own mind upon the Spirit's words, but the mind of the Spirit as couched in those words. Dr. King very truly says of him, "No writer ever dealt more fairly and honestly by the Word of God. He is scrupulously careful to let it speak for itself, and to guard against every tendency of his own mind to put upon it a questionable meaning for the sake of establishing some doctrine which he feels to be important, or some theory which he is anxious to uphold. This is one of his prime excellences. He will not maintain any doctrine, however orthodox and essential, by a text of Scripture which to him appears of doubtful application, or of inadequate force. For instance, firmly as he believed the doctrine of the Trinity, he refuses to derive an argument in its favour from the plural form of the name of God in the first chapter of Genesis. It were easy to multiply examples of this kind, which, whether we agree in his conclusion or not, cannot fail to produce the conviction that he is at least an honest commentator, and will not make any passage of Scripture speak more or less than, according to his view, its divine Author intended it to speak."

The edition of John Calvin's works which was issued by the Calvin Translation Society, is greatly enriched by the remarks of the editors, consisting not merely of notes on the Latin of Calvin, and the French translation, or on the text of the original Scriptures, but also of weighty opinions of eminent critics, illustrative manners and customs, and observations of travellers. By the way, gentlemen, what a pity it is that people do not, as a rule, read the notes in the old Puritan books! If you purchase old copies of such writers as Brooks, you will find that the notes in the margin are almost as rich as the books themselves. They are dust of gold, of the same metal as the ingots in the centre of the page. But to return to Calvin. If you needed any confirmatory evidence as to the value of his writings, I might summon a cloud of witnesses, but it will suffice to quote one or two. Here is the opinion of one who is looked upon as his great enemy, namely, Arminius: "Next to the perusal of the Scriptures, which I earnestly inculcate, I exhort my pupils to peruse Calvin's commentaries, which I extol in loftier terms than Helmich 3 himself; for I affirm that he excels beyond comparison in the interpretation of Scripture, and that his commentaries ought to be more highly valued than all that is handed down to us by the Library of the Fathers; so that I acknowledge him to have possessed above most others, or rather above all other men, what may be called an eminent gift of prophecy."
A Chat about Commentaries by Charles H. Spurgeon
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Username: Rafael_r

Post Number: 41
Registered: 2-2006
Posted on Friday, April 21, 2006 - 11:58 am:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

28 Do not move an ancient boundary stone
set up by your forefathers.
Proverbs 22:28 (New International Version)

I think tha this is a good idea.
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Username: Colleentinker

Post Number: 3800
Registered: 12-2003

Posted on Friday, April 21, 2006 - 1:42 pm:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Rafael, a person cannot be a Christian without knowing Christ. But we know that many people who call themselves Christians do not know Christ.

The problem with evangelical Adventism is that even though some pastors do teach the cross, they are still confused about how a person lives. They are still bound by ties to Ellen White and Sabbath keeping. These ties create a bondage that Christians looking on cannot see because they are subtle and deep. In reality, though, those Adventists are not walking in the joyu of the Lord. They may not be as nuerotic as I was as a teenager when I was trying to be a good SDA, but they still have underlying anxiety because they don't truly understand what it means to find their sufficiency in Jesus.

Further, many "evangelical SDA pastors" are teaching grace without talking about repentance and the need to be cleansed by Jesus' blood shed at the cross. While they talk about being "in Jesus", they never explain how to BE in Jesus. Somehow believing in Jesus (whatever that might mean) is enough. For example, I looked at the doctrinal statement of one well-known SDA church which takes an "evangelical" position, and they never once mention the cross or Jesus' death and resurrection. They only mention believing in Jesus.

In short, anytime someone clings to the law as a rule of faith or practice, he hasn't embraced the new covenant. With Adventists, this clinging is even more entangling than with many Christians who still honor the law.

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Username: Rafael_r

Post Number: 42
Registered: 2-2006
Posted on Friday, April 21, 2006 - 1:48 pm:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Colleen, you has not answer my questions.

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