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Archive through January 20, 2007Dennis20 1-20-07  8:34 am
Archive through January 22, 2007Raven20 1-22-07  5:27 am
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Username: Godssonjp

Post Number: 16
Registered: 1-2007
Posted on Monday, January 22, 2007 - 8:05 am:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Collen said,
"...when I began reading the Bible, I simply couldn't understand what it really said. I understood what I was taught it said.

This was true for me also. I remember reading the Bible and not understanding why, what I was reading didn't conincide with what I was taught. I thought that maybe I just wasn't spirtitualy mature yet to understand everything. Until I started to read the Bible alone and trust that the Holy Spirit will reveal truth to me, that's when what I was reading and what I was taught started to seperate and I had to choose what I was going to believe.


IMO, God has a reason for everything. The SDAs you come in contact with mostly likely have the agenda to convert you to SDA, they most likely believe you don't have the "Truth", and they have a better understanding of the Bible than you. But because you have a good understanding of where they're coming from, you can approach and dialouge with them in a way where you can possibly plant a seed to who Jesus REALLY is. The Jesus who they're missing. God may be using you to reach maybe even one of the SDAs who is struggling with an issue right now. Whatever the case, go where God leads you. If this is where He wants you to be, there's a reason. You may not be here for you. You may be here for someone else.

God be with you, all.
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Username: Flyinglady

Post Number: 3360
Registered: 3-2004

Posted on Monday, January 22, 2007 - 8:07 am:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

I agree with what Raven said. You understand SDAs much better now and your discernment is better. You can protect yourself from the errors of adventism and anyone else that might want to know about them.
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Username: Colleentinker

Post Number: 5303
Registered: 12-2003

Posted on Monday, January 22, 2007 - 10:29 am:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Yes, I agree with Raven and Godssonjp, River. I also think there are a couple of other reasons for your immersion in Adventism as well. One is that you are equipped to speak knowledgeably if you hear other Christians discussing Adventism. One of my ongoing prayers is that the true nature of Adentism will be revealedónot only to Adventists but also to Christ-followers in general. Without the understanding of the Christian community, our concern re: the heresies of Adventism fall on deaf ears. They, too, think we are rabid, disgruntled people who have an "axe to grind". Many of us, when leaving Adventism and beginning to attend a "Sunday church", are startled and discouraged to find that the Christians around us, instead of embracing us with praise to God, look at us and say, "But why did you leave Adventism?"

I can't begin to tell you how often we and those we know have been gently grilled or "instructed" about how Adventists are Christians and know Jesus. Further, people often suggest that we're way over the top in having a ministry for "formers". They see US as dividing the body of Christ instead of seeing Adventists themselves setting up divisions. The Christian community in general is not equipped to minister and disciple those leaving Adventism. They are more puzzled than helpful.

Also, even if your ministry ended here, your understanding and insight are a great affirmation and support to all of us. Very few, as I've said, "get" what we've gone through and what the bottom line trouble is. Praise God that you understand. He will use your insight for His glory in ways you probably can't even imagine.

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Username: Brian3

Post Number: 76
Registered: 8-2005
Posted on Monday, January 22, 2007 - 10:59 am:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Interestingly, Pastor James MacDonald on his "Walk in the Word" program the other day singled out SDA's concerning Colossians 2:16 so it appears the word on SDA's is getting out!
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Username: Flyinglady

Post Number: 3362
Registered: 3-2004

Posted on Monday, January 22, 2007 - 1:51 pm:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

It just dawned on me while reading this, that the man and his wife who direct one of the ministries I volunteer with at my church, knows what adventists believe. He has dealt with them in the past, before he knew me. When I started volunteering in Guest Central I brieftly told Bob and his wife about how I became a Christian. When I mentioned SDA, Bob said he knew what they believed. So, God put me with some one who understood from where I came. Thank You God, You are awesome.
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Username: Ric_b

Post Number: 692
Registered: 7-2004

Posted on Monday, January 22, 2007 - 5:02 pm:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Colleen, I certainly agree with your observation about the errors of SDAism falling on deaf ears. I think one part is the fact that SDAism obscures some of their contentious beliefs quite well. I think another part is the general desire for ecumenicalism (an idea that is good in moderate doses, but extremely dangerous in large amounts). Finally, I think some of the errors of SDAism are present in small amounts in other churches. So people see the similarity and think that we are simply over-reacting to the error. The problems with understanding the OC (not Orange County!) nature of tithe is one simple example of this playing out in many churches.
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Username: River

Post Number: 419
Registered: 9-2006

Posted on Monday, January 22, 2007 - 5:52 pm:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

I must tell you a little of what has just developed, I had been seeking a church to attend so I attended a small church here locally, I thought I should give it at least two months before I made up my mind.
After some time I began to feel I didnít fit so started attending a church about ten miles away. I sent them an E-Mail stating I would not be attending there in the near future. That was the content of my e-mail. So I started the other church where I do seem to fit but I never received another word from the other church congregation.
No answers to my e-mails, my email Christmas card, nothing.

Recently the Pastors got together and decided to hold service at each others church so last night it came time for our church to visit the church that I had stopped going to.
It had bothered me considerably that I had not received a single phone call from any of the previous congregation and so I had been praying about this up coming thing last night where we would attend their church, I had just felt weird, unsettled, but I said, well I am going anyway so I went last night, a man and his wife that I had known 25 years looked right at me and never said a word, never shook my hand, never said crap, just looked right at me and walked on, the pastors wife met me in the foyer and it looked as if she swallowed a persimmon and muttered ìHi riverî never shook my hand, just walked on, 1 or two ladies out of the whole group came up and shook my hand, didínt ask me how I had been but at least greeted me. I was hurt so deeply by all this, I slipped out early and went home wounded.
Now I am telling you this because I have sat and read some of your post of pain and rejection, the letters to churches and I discerned them in my spirit, the hope of continued acceptance in spite of your decision to have too leave.
Today it dawned on me that the Lord has allowed me to feel rejection.
And I prayed ìOh Lord, is this what many felt?î My spirit seemed to confirm it.
But do you know, in that service last night I stood there and raised my hands and prayed ìLord I stand here in your robe of righteousnessî ìI have nothing else but you.î And the sweet peace of God flowed throughout my being completely.
You know I have to believe God has not only enabled me to understand, but has enabled me to know what many of you have gone through.
I am just going to take it on faith that God has a purpose in all this. In spite of feeling crappy today over rejection, I am becoming excited about what the Lord has in store for me.
Thank you each for your responses, they helped to see some things.
Bless you all.
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Username: Flyinglady

Post Number: 3365
Registered: 3-2004

Posted on Monday, January 22, 2007 - 6:33 pm:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

If I had left the SDA church because of rejection, I would have left back in the 1970s. I attended a church where the members had their seats and if you sat in it, even as a visitor, you were asked to move. They also had many medical students who attended there. When the members found out my husband was not a medical student, they quit talking to me. I have been ignored and just walked by in various churches. I did not leave until I left over doctrinal issues. I am glad I did not leave because of rejection. When I left I left to follow Jesus. That is the best reason to leave.
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Username: Helovesme2

Post Number: 802
Registered: 8-2004

Posted on Monday, January 22, 2007 - 6:48 pm:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Wow River! That must have been tough for you, but what an insight. Thank God that in all things He truely works for the good of those who love him.
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Username: Colleentinker

Post Number: 5305
Registered: 12-2003

Posted on Monday, January 22, 2007 - 10:20 pm:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

River, what a traumatic evening! I can imagine how hard that was/is for you, and I am truly sorry.

I am in awe over how God accomplishes His purpose in our lives. Sometimes we never fully see His intentions, but we can trust Him nonetheless. And I do have to say I praise God that for reasons only He knows for sure, He is giving you not only a head knowledge and spiritual insight of Adventism, but He has also given you an emotional experience that compares to much we have exprienced.

God wastes nothing, and He redeems everything we submit to him. He is faithful.

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Username: Stevendi

Post Number: 60
Registered: 10-2006
Posted on Wednesday, January 24, 2007 - 6:58 am:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)


Thank you for sharing your background with me. My parents were visiting me this week and I couldn't keep up with you, River, Dennis and others. It is a difficult yet signigicant point to reach when we can "erase" EGW from our slate. I believe I am at that fork in the road, when the balance of evidence has finally tilted in favor of my "Ellen burial". Maybe I should send flowers to her estate with a card that says "thanks but no thanks". I appreciate your understanding words without trying to push any personal agenda. We all must go through the process that God leads us through. It's certainly no fun sometimes, but it always brings us closer. Thanks again Colleen.

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Username: Stevendi

Post Number: 61
Registered: 10-2006
Posted on Wednesday, January 24, 2007 - 7:09 am:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)


You said that the Lord has "allowed you to experience rejection". I know exactly what you are talking about. My parents were just here visiting. I showed them our new church (not sda), and me and my son both talked about the ministries we have been involved in over the past year. They were completely silent on the matter of anything even remotely spiritual. Even statements of praise and thanks to God for some of our experiences drew dead silence from them. The cause? They have been poisoned by the Adventist gospel of spiritual bigotry. They cannot even talk about the goodness of God without first running the conversation through the sda meatgrinder to judge hook line and sinker every reference to God, good, bad, whatever. It is sad. I am praying that the Lord will find a way to free them from this evil influence and open their eyes to His true gospel.

This River, this IS the Adventist church. Spiritual bigotry, judgement, condemnation, barrier-building in the Body, brainwashed, exclusivism, self-righteous, hatred, spiritual murder. All sugar-coated, of course.

Thanks for listening, I'm OK now.

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Username: River

Post Number: 431
Registered: 9-2006

Posted on Wednesday, January 24, 2007 - 11:17 am:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Hey, at's what we're here for Stevy, glad you could take a load off, I had never experienced rejection and it don't feel good does it?
Spiritual bigotry, judgement, condemnation, barrier-building in the Body, brainwashed, exclusivism, self-righteous, hatred, spiritual murder.
I think you just about covered every backwash of emotion that incident caused me to feel was happening. If I would have said something or done something to deserve it I could understand.
I think God had too allowed this, someone who has never been there cannot fully understand. Unlike your situation, at least from the sound of it, God will bring healing to this incident, he would bring healing to your incidents if they would allow him but they are blind Steve and they are probably afraid of the Holy Spirit within you and they probably feel a little bit threatened by someone who praises God from the heart instead of the mind.
You probably have something that they do not possess and having left Adventism, they do not understand how this could be.
I know that when I get under the anointing during prayer around my Adventist friends they get real quite even though it may be just a short prayer.
They canít say you got the hoss and they got the saddle when you got the hoss and the saddle and they probably look at you with wonder just a little bit, that little niggeling deep down inside that wonít let them rest, ìWhat has our son got that bubbles up and spills over?î, you see they know that they donít bubble up and spill over, once that river starts flowing in you it never stops, it may slow to a trickle because of oneís fleshly lifestyle but the first chance it gets it will start gushing again, now I am speaking of spiritual matters in spiritual language which I hope you can understand.
I donít want to sound like I am preaching to you but we got to understand that what we got to look forward to is to praise God from the depths of our soul while all they got to look forward to is making more bricks and EGW and IJ is not going to give them even straw to make their work easier.
Yes, it hurts because they donít share your enthusiasm for Christ, not even a yea or amen nor a fine how do you do.
Jesus told one guy ìLet the dead bury their deadî we have to let the dead wield their own shovel.
Your folks are down there digging in that old graveyard throwing dust all over themselves and muttering to themselves while your out there in that river of life splashing around.
Well I got to go and see if I can start the tractor.
Hang in there Steve.
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Username: Colleentinker

Post Number: 5321
Registered: 12-2003

Posted on Wednesday, January 24, 2007 - 8:53 pm:   Edit PostDelete PostPrint Post   Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Steve, it sounds as if you had a significant and difficult weekend. I'm sorryóbut praise God for making the contrast between Him and deception even more clear. Even when we lose and bleed, Jesus Himself is our great reward. Your list of things Adventism produces and promotes...exactly right on.

River, your reference to the dead burying their own dead is so apt. Thank you for reminding us of that fact.


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